Space Maintainers

What is a space maintainer?

A space maintainer is an orthodontic  appliance that goes into a child’s mouth, holding space for an adult tooth that is yet to erupt.

They are recommended when a child has a baby tooth removed before it falls out naturally.

The purpose of a space maintainer

A space maintainer preserves space for an adult tooth to grow in to. Without one, adjacent teeth will move around and close the space available to the developing permanent tooth underneath. As a result, the adult tooth may become locked in the jawbone or erupt in an irregular position in the mouth.

Types of space maintainers

Band and loop

Used when a child has lost one tooth

Lower lingual arch

Used when a child has lost more than one tooth in the lower jaw

Transpalatal arch or Nance Appliance

Used when a child has lost more than one tooth in the upper jaw

Transpalatal arch
Nance Appliance

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